Acrylic on canvas
30″ x 24″
This was the first of a new movement in my painting. I had been in Florida for a week in February. Needless to say, I enjoyed bing so warm! I also enjoy the vibrant colours people use in Florida to decorate their homes and gardens. The sun and the colour make me happy. I decided I would bring some of that warmth home with me. Not really knowing where I was was going with it, I bought some bright acrylic colours to play with. After a couple of abortive starts I found a rythym and this is what emerged. But it was still missing something of the fun and spontaneity I was looking for. With great fear and trepidation, I laid the canvas on the floor, added some pouring medium to my paint, and started dripping and dribbling it on the canvas. This is what came out. I’m still mining my tubes of bright acrylic paint to what else comes out of them.
Copyright 2018, Gene Tempelmeyer